Municipal institution
"Transcarpatian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life"
of the Transcarpatian Regional Council
The following have the right to visit the museum for free:
1. Orphans and children deprived of parental care.
Reason: Clause 11 of the Resolution of the CMU "On Improvement of Education, Education, Social Protection and Material Support of Orphans and Children Deprived of Parental Care" dated 04/05/1994 №226.
The certificate gives the right to visit cinemas, exhibitions, and museums for free.
2. Children of preschool age.
Basis: Part 2 of Art. 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On Culture" (children of preschool age, pupils, students, pensioners, and people with disabilities have the right to visit state and communal cultural institutions, extracurricular educational institutions in the field of culture on preferential terms provided for by law). Article 20 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Childhood" (to promote the social, spiritual, moral well-being, and all-round healthy development of the child, the state provides free access to national spiritual and historical values, achievements of world culture by providing the opportunity to use library funds, exhibition halls, museums, etc).
Documents: birth certificate (children of preschool age - up to 6 years old)
3. Persons with disabilities of the I-II groups.
Basis: Art. 34 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Basics of Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in Ukraine" dated March 21, 1991, № 875-XII (local executive authorities are obliged to provide people with disabilities with the necessary conditions for free access and use of cultural and entertainment facilities and sports facilities, for physical education and sports. People with disabilities use the listed services free of charge or on preferential terms by the decisions of local governments with the participation of public organizations of people with disabilities).
Documents: pension certificate and/or MSEK certificate.
4. Veterans of the Second World War, Combat veterans, families of fallen servicemen.
Basis: Article 3 of the Agreement on mutual recognition of benefits and guarantees for participants and persons with disabilities of the Second World War, participants in combat on the territory of other states, and families of fallen servicemen dated April 15, 1994; ratified by Ukraine on April 26, 1996 (these categories of persons have the right to receive benefits when visiting cultural and educational institutions by the procedure provided by the host Party). Family members of deceased servicemen include parents, children, and spouses of the deceased.
Documents: certificate of a participant in hostilities; a document confirming belonging to the family members of a deceased serviceman (retirement certificate, certificates, etc.).
5. Employees of museums and nature reserves, members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).
Basis: Art. 25, 28 of the Law of Ukraine "On Museums and Museum Affairs" dated June 29, 1995, №249 (museum employees have the right to free use of reference and information, library and archival databases of museums of Ukraine and to visit museum institutions).
Documents: certificate of employee of the relevant institution, certificate of ICOM member.
In addition, in the Municipal institution "Transcarpatian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life" of the Transcarpatian Regional Council every year the following Open Days are announced:
- May 18 – International Day of Museums (admission is free for all categories of visitors).
- June 1 – International Children's Day (free entry for children under 18).
- September 1 – International Knowledge Day (free entry for school-aged children).